Lucy Walding reviewed The Hope Fault for Westerly (online). You can read the full review online at Westerly>From the Editor’s Desk.
Westerly is the literary magazine published at the Westerly Centre (formerly the Centre for Studies in Australian Literature) at my alma mater (do Australians have an alma mater?), University of Western Australia, so I’m particularly thrilled that they’ve reviewed my novel.
The Hope Fault is one of those rare novels where new significance is taken from each reading. — Lucy Walding for Westerly
Read the review A Review of Tracy Farr’s ‘The Hope Fault’ online at Westerly
Head to the Westerly website for information and online content (and consider contributing and/or subscribing), and follow Westerly on Twitter (@WesterlyMag) or Facebook
At the Westerly digital archive, all Westerly‘s archive issues outside of the three year embargo period are available for free download – including Westerly 49 (2004), with my short story ‘Surface Tension’ (download the whole issue as a pdf from the link on this preview page, but beware the large pdf file)