There have been a few recent reviews of The Hope Fault from Australian writers and bookbloggers that I wanted to note and link to. I’m really grateful for the time and effort and care that each of these reviews represents – in reading the book in the first place, and then to care enough about my book to write and publish their own response to it. Thank you all!
Queensland writer Cass Moriarty (who has a new novel, Parting Words, out from UQP in September) is a prolific reviewer – follow her on Facebook to see her posts, or browse the reviews on her website – and she recently wrote a beautiful, detailed review of The Hope Fault.
The Hope Fault … is a literary fiction novel of almost faultless breathtaking imagery and emotion. … The prose is almost like poetry, but also like science, and like a song, too; imagery and language all stitched up together in an enviable rendering of family life that celebrates the joys and connections, that mourns the losses, and that seeks to comprehend – in small, still, quiet ways – the very essence of existence.
–Cass Moriarty
Read Cass’s review of The Hope Fault on her website (Cass also recently reviewed The Life and Loves of Lena Gaunt).
Lisa Hill blogs and reviews at ANZ LitLovers, and is indeed an ambassador for Australian (and New Zealand) literature. She recently reviewed The Hope Fault.
…as always, it’s the introverts who are the most interesting characters. It’s through the private thoughts of Iris, Kurt and Luce, that the story gains its narrative drive.
–Lisa Hill, ANZ LitLovers
Read Lisa’s review of The Hope Fault on ANZ LitLovers, which links to Lisa’s 2013 review of The Life and Loves of Lena Gaunt.
I first encountered Perth writer, reviewer, bookseller and all-round book fan Emily Paull online back in 2013, when she reviewed The Life and Loves of Lena Gaunt, and I’ve subsequently met her a few times in real life – usually at Perth Writers Festival – when I’ve visited Perth. Emily reviewed The Hope Fault recently.