Music to warm a book by

Wallaby at Meow (photo Helen Kettles)

This week we held a bookwarming in Wellington to celebrate the publication earlier in the month of my second novel, The Hope Fault. A bunch of us gathered (like the bunch of people in my book gather) to talk and drink and eat, under the unsettling but appropriate gaze of the wallabies and possums dotted about the … Read more…

The Hope Fault — publication day

Today is, officially, publication day for my second novel, The Hope Fault. Fremantle Press have produced a beautiful looking book, and it was a particular delight to work once again with publisher Georgia Richter on this novel. It’s such a thrill to be with Fremantle Press — Georgia and Jane Fraser and Claire Miller and … Read more…

‘You beauty: Tracy Farr’s best reads of 2015’ for Aardvark Bureau

Publisher Aardvark Bureau asked the authors of their first three titles for 2016 for their best reads of 2015: You’ll be hearing lots more about these fabulous writers in the new year, but for now, we’ve asked three of them to share their stand-out reads of 2015 – after all, what better way of getting to know someone than by … Read more…