‘Tracy Farr, inaugural Mildura Writer in Residence’ interview

Mildura Living Magazine Winter 2016

In Mildura Living Magazine‘s Winter 2016 issue, Rebecca Butterworth’s interview with Tracy Farr touches on food, writing, family history, and inspiration from landscape and people. …the striking intimacy and sense of community of the festival itself; delightful and surprising resonances, and support not just from everyone there for the weekend of the festival, but from the Mildura arts and wider … Read more…

Mildura Writers Festival and Residency

Mildura Writers Festival

Next month’s going to be all about Mildura, so I’m going to keep this post short and sweet, as a taste of what’s to come. I’ve been lucky enough to be awarded the inaugural Mildura Writers Festival Residency. The residency is an initiative of Arts Mildura and the Mildura Writers Festival. During the month (July 2015) … Read more…

In praise of useless beauty

Auckland Writers Festival 2015

I’m not sure whether the 2000-odd-seat ASB Theatre was sold out for Tim Winton’s Auckland Writers Festival 2015 (AWF15) session last Sunday morning, but it was certainly close to packed, and there was a lot of love in the room for Winton. I was seated wa-a-aay up in the gods, which felt like an appropriate … Read more…