The Hope Fault — publication day

Today is, officially, publication day for my second novel, The Hope Fault. Fremantle Press have produced a beautiful looking book, and it was a particular delight to work once again with publisher Georgia Richter on this novel. It’s such a thrill to be with Fremantle Press — Georgia and Jane Fraser and Claire Miller and the whole team are amazing, and I am so grateful for the support and enthusiasm they’ve shown for this new book.

I’m thrilled and a little bit overawed to have cover quotes for this book from the authors of two outstanding novels of the past two years: Myfanwy Jones, whose novel Leap was longlisted for the Voss Literary Prize and shortlisted for the 2016 Miles Franklin Literary Award; and Anna Smaill, whose novel The Chimes was longlisted for the 2015 Man Booker Prize, and won the 2016 World Fantasy Award for Best Novel. Myf, Anna, thank you both so much — how beautiful it is to have your words travelling with my words.

There are other people whose words travel with my words in this book, and I’d like to shout out to two of them here. My novel has a quote from Dylan Horrocks’ graphic novel Hicksville as its epigraph; and the second of the novel’s three parts has a quote from the lyrics of Kristin Hersh’s song ‘Counting Backwards’ as its epigraph. Dylan, Kristin, thank you both for your generosity and inspiration.

Over the next few months, I’ll write more (and more regularly) here about this book — about the inspiration and ideas behind the book, and some of the sources and resources I’ve used. But for today, I’m happy (and a little bit overwhelmed) to see The Hope Fault officially launched into the world. It’ll be fascinating to see how she floats.

The Hope Fault - cover
The Hope Fault – cover

Where to get the book

Over the last week or so, print copies of The Hope Fault have been making their way into bookstores in Australia and New Zealand, and the book should now be available through online bookselling outlets, too. If your local bookstore doesn’t have it in stock, they’ll most likely be happy to order it in for you (give them the publication details below) — but if you’re stuck, you can always buy it directly from publisher Fremantle Press.

As well as being released today in print, The Hope Fault is released in all the e-book formats you could wish for — you can get it for Kobo, Kindle, iBook, etc — Fremantle Press has all the details.

The Hope Fault should be hitting public library shelves, too. If your local library doesn’t have it on the shelf or on the way, give them the publication details and they may order it in (as a print or e-book).

Publication details

The Hope Fault, by Tracy Farr
Publisher: Fremantle Press
Distributor: Penguin Random House (Australia and New Zealand)
Publication date: 1 March 2017
Pages: 340
ISBN: 9781925164404 (paperback)

Let me know what you think

Spread the word on Twitter (I’m @hissingswan) or Facebook using #TheHopeFault; post a review on Amazon or Goodreads; or get in touch — I’d love to hear what you think about the book.

Links and more information

Interview/article by Maureen Eppen in The West Australian, 15 February 2017 — ‘Family fault lines explored’

Pre-publication review in Books+Publishing