The Life and Loves of Lena Gaunt published in the UK

Though it’s been creeping into shops (online and bricks-and-mortar) for the past few weeks, and already gaining some glowing early online reviews, today – 9 January 2016 – marks the official UK publication date for The Life and Loves of Lena Gaunt (Aardvark Bureau).

To celebrate, this is my virtual group hug to all involved, including but not limited to:

The Aardvark Bureau/Gallic Books/Belgravia Books team, especially Jane Aitken and Emily Boyce, for bringing The Life and Loves of Lena Gaunt to the big wide world.

Former Aardvarkian Scott Pack, for stumbling upon The Life and Loves of Lena Gaunt and bringing it to the Aardvark Bureau list (and to Radio New Zealand for adapting and broadcasting the novel, so that Scott could stumble upon it).

The Fremantle Press team, especially Georgia Richter, Wendy Jenkins, Claire Miller and Jane Fraser (with a big shout-out to Nicola O’Shea), for first publishing this book back in 2013, and promoting it ever since.

Everyone who has been a champion for this book – I’m looking at you two in particular, Fiona Kidman and Liz Byrski – who’s handed it on to a friend or asked for it in a bookshop or library, to the booksellers who have hand-sold it, to those who’ve reviewed it or blogged or tweeted their love for the book: thank you, a million times thank you.

Gather in, everyone, for a group hug. Happy publication day (if I do say so myself), and may the relaunched Lena Gaunt sail well.

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