‘First Published’ session at New Zealand Writers Week 2014, Wellington

Writers festivals are, it seems, like buses. You wait for ages — nothing — then two come along at once. I’m so pleased to be part of my second writers festival: New Zealand Writers Week, part of New Zealand Festival 2014.

New Zealand Writers Week runs from 7 to 12 March 2014. You can browse the full programme in all its glory on the New Zealand Festival website, or pick up a hard copy from the usual places (including Unity Books).

FIRST PUBLISHED | Tuesday 11 March, 6.15—7.15pm, Meow Cafe, 9 Edward St, Wellington | Free event
“Four exciting new voices” — Sebastian Hampson, Caolinn Hughes, Alice Miller and I — will read from and talk about our first books.

I’ve been in the audience for every Writers Week that’s been held since I moved to Wellington — this must be my ninth over those eighteen years (eighteen! How did that happen?), and I’m so pleased that this time, I’ll get my moment on stage.



See my recap of this event and NZ Writers Week