Theremin in the (a)ether(wave)

Okay, what the hell is going on? Everywhere I look it’s theremin (TV), theremin (film), theremin (novel). Is theremin the new ukelele? The new black? Or is it just out there in the (a)ether(wave), morphically resonating?   Theremin on television All over Twitter this last week was the episode of American Horror Story: Coven titled … Read more…

The year that was – a whole lotta love

At this time of year it is, as we all know, traditional to sum up the best and worst of the year just gone, and/or make plans, resolutions or predictions for the year to come. I’m feeling a bit sandblasted by the thought of doing that (maybe it’s just the Wellington wind). But I’ll give … Read more…

‘Life, love and the theremin’ interview on RNZ

Tracy Farr talks with Lynn Freeman from Radio New Zealand’s Arts on Sunday about the theremin, the nature of home, and The Life and Loves of Lena Gaunt. The interview was broadcast on Arts on Sunday (6 October 2013), prompting the show’s musical motif of tracks featuring theremin. Listen to the interview: You can read show notes and … Read more…

‘Tracy Farr’s The Life and Loves of Lena Gaunt’ interview, ABC RN

When I was in Perth last week I talked with Miyuki Jokiranta from ABC Radio National’s Books and Arts Daily about sound and light, theremins, the space between, and my novel The Life and Loves of Lena Gaunt. The interview was broadcast today, and you can download audio or listen here.

The old woman and the sea

The first review of my novel was published last week (in Books+Publishing Reviews, 30 May 2013, reproduced here with permission), and reviewer Katie Haydon (who gave it four stars) said it would be appreciated particularly by, among others, “lovers of the sea”. I’m pleased she mentioned that. Water flows through the novel; it’s almost a character in it. It’s … Read more…

It’s instrumental

In my novel, The Life and Loves of Lena Gaunt, the eponymous Lena Gaunt – musician, octogenarian, junkie – is Music’s Most Modern Musician; theremin player of legend. So, I’ve been thinking a lot about theremins for the last few years, while I’ve been writing the novel. I may even have become a little obsessed with them … Read more…