Bad Diaries Salon #CREEP, Lit Crawl Perth, 20 Feb 2020

We’re thrilled to announce our first Bad Diaries Salon for 2020. We’ll be in Perth on 20 February for Perth’s first ever Lit Crawl, part of the mighty Perth Festival‘s 2020 Festival of Literature & Ideas. We’re truly grateful to the remarkable Sisonke Msimang, curator of the Literature & Ideas programme, for inviting Bad Diaries … Read more…

Writing workshops at 2016 Perth Writers Festival

Perth Writers Festival at PIAF

I’ll be teaching two writing workshops (and taking part in a couple more sessions) at 2016 Perth Writers Festival (PWF), part of Perth International Arts Festival (PIAF).   Teaching the monster to speak Writing believable characters Writing fiction is a licence to invent and transform. Tracy Farr‘s novel, The Life and Loves of Lena Gaunt, has been described as ‘a … Read more…

Purple Prose book launch and reading

Perth Writers Festival at PIAF

Purple Prose is launching at 2016 Perth Writers Festival (PWF), part of Perth International Arts Festival (PIAF), and I’m one of the contributors to the collection who’ll be reading at the launch.   Purple Prose book launch What do pigeon fanciers, Dockers fans and King George all have in common? In Purple Prose, Liz Byrski and Rachel Robertson introduce 15 new works by Australian … Read more…

‘A Reader’s Life’ at 2016 Perth Writers Festival

Perth Writers Festival at PIAF

I’m delighted to be taking part in this session (and several more) at 2016 Perth Writers Festival (PWF), part of Perth International Arts Festival (PIAF).   A Reader’s Life We can measure our life in books and the experiences we’ve had on the page. Three writers, Tracy Farr, Debra Adelaide and Peter Rose, share their reading lives with Sarah McNeill. When: Friday … Read more…

Dream a little dream of me (or, 2014)

2014 was a year that saw quite a few long-held dreams come true, for me, so I hope I can be forgiven a trumpetblowing review of the year’s highlights. I give you: some dreams and their fulfilment (plus some other writing highlights). Being invited to a writers festival I’ve sat in the dark in the audience for so many years, … Read more…

The festival is over, baby

I’m home in Wellington, nearly a week after Perth Writers Festival finished, and still coming down from the experience: my first writers festival as an invited guest. It was everything you want a writers festival to be — the venue with its tents and pavilions put the ‘festive’ into festival; the high flyers, both established (Martin … Read more…

Perth Writers Festival 2014

Finally, the news I’ve been itching to share: I’m thrilled to be part of the Perth Writers Festival program for 2014, launched this week. The festival runs from 20–23 February, with most of the events held at the very beautiful campus of University of Western Australia, where I studied and worked, many years ago. The lineup … Read more…