In conversation, Tracy Farr and Annabel Smith, Mandurah

The Hope Fault (Fremantle Press, 2017)

I’m pleased to be doing a few events in and around Perth while I’m visiting in October, including this one at Falcon Library in Mandurah. Hope to see you there, if you’re in the neighbourhood. Writers in the Library In conversation with Tracy Farr Join us at Falcon eLibrary and Community Centre to hear Tracy … Read more…

The hissing swan in the manuscript drawer

I spent the first two weeks of March at Varuna, the Writers House in Katoomba in the Blue Mountains, a two-hour train ride from Sydney. I was lucky enough during my Second Book Residential Fellowship to work in Eleanor Dark’s garden studio, a short enough walk from the back door of the main house that … Read more…

The festival is over, baby

I’m home in Wellington, nearly a week after Perth Writers Festival finished, and still coming down from the experience: my first writers festival as an invited guest. It was everything you want a writers festival to be — the venue with its tents and pavilions put the ‘festive’ into festival; the high flyers, both established (Martin … Read more…

Pavlova, Phar Lap, Crowded House and me

Phar Lap. Crown Studios Ltd :Negatives and prints. Ref: 1/2-203509-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. Yesterday, my novel was released. As is the way with these things, though, the book has already been in bookshops for about a week or so (yes, I’ve been looking) , and has had its first few (very nice) reviews (here and here and here). … Read more…