Wonderland wins NZSA Laura Solomon Cuba Press Prize

I am over the moon – and a little overwhelmed, though in the best of ways – that the manuscript for my novel Wonderland has been awarded the 2024 NZSA Laura Solomon Cuba Press Prize. The judges have said some very beautiful things about the manuscript – you can read more in the announcement here.

It’s hard for me to put into words just how much this means to me, particularly at this point (the tricky mid-point) in my writing career. There’ve been dark moments when I thought this novel might never see the light of day. So I’m beyond thrilled that my very Wellington novel has found a home with wonderful Wellington publisher The Cuba Press, and will be published in 2025.

Wonderland is a weird, multi-voiced, odd-on-the-page alt-historical novel about sisters and scientists, identity and reflection, about grief and loss and finding wonder. It’s taken me down many rabbit-holes in its writing, and it’s garnered so much support over the years – from CreativeNZ and Michael King Writers Centre in Aotearoa; and through short residencies from Varuna, Bundanon, FAWWA and Copyright Agency Cultural Fund in Australia – for which I’m truly grateful. And, as we move towards publication of the novel (huzzah!) in 2025, I’ll be joyously reiterating my thanks for all of that support.

For now, my heartfelt thanks go to The Cuba Press, NZSA, the Solomon family and the Laura Solomon Trust, the judges – and to Laura Solomon for this prize that celebrates her life and her writing.

Read the announcement of the 2024 NZSA Laura Solomon Cuba Press Prize